Friday, April 29, 2011

Social Justice Event

Last week I went to the Lesley Grinner lecture about Twilight and S.C.W.A.M.P. Lesley Grinner is actually the creator of S.C.W.A.M.P. I found this lecture to be very informative and intersesting. It was'nt as boring as I thought it was going to be when I first found out about it. I was worried that I would'nt understand what she was talking about because I had never seen any of the Twilight movies or read any of the books. But she did'nt really focus the lecture on the Twilight as much as I expected.
She began the lecture but introducing women's studies. She discussed some of the average persons fears about women's studies. What she said, I found very interesting. She explained that some people fear that women's study classes are all about bashing men. She explained that most people avoid women's study classes because they are afraid that men will be abused. She explained that b oth men and women  fear that men will be bashed, because most women believe that men don't deserve to be bashed. She also went on to say that some women fear that they will become lesibian if they join a women's study class or they will be forced to become femenist. Grinner went on to say that these things are not true about women's study classes and that they are for everyone.
She also talked about Twilight alittle towards the end of the dicussion. She described all the important characters and revealed the influnce S.C.W.A.M.P made during the movie. One point she made about twilight was when it came down to the desision between Edward and Jake. She explained how S.C.W.A.M.P. was the reason Belle chose Edward Collin in the battle between Edward and Jake. Because of the fact that Jake was not white or wealthy Belle could not pick Jake over Edward because both White and Wealthy are apart of S.C.W.A.M.P. Belle was most likely to go with the one with the most S.C.W.A.M.Pish qualities in order for the movie to sell.


  1. nice blog! i liked how you talked about the beginning of her lecture, not the Twilight part, because most people didn't write about that in their blogs.

  2. i never thought media plays such a huge part of scwamp

  3. i really wish i went to this.. it sounds like it was really good!

  4. it sounds like it was a great event...wish i had gone

  5. i enjoyed reading this post - sounded very interesting! i wish i could've gone :(
